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AI in Court - Workshop von Prof. Henry Prakken

29.08.2022 - 02.09.2022

Der sechste Una Europa Masterclass Workshop im Projekt DIGITALIZED! Society in the Era of Digital Revolution wird von Prof. Henry Prakken geleitet. Henry Prakken ist Professor of Legal Informatics & Legal Argumentation an der Rechtsfakultät der Reichsuniversität Groningen, und hält seit Mai 2021 auch eine Teilzeit-Professur am European University Institute in Fiesole und Florenz.

Der Titel des Workshops lautet "AI in Court": Driven by the spectacular progress in AI in recent years, especially in machine learning and natural-language processing, there has been increasing attention for the question how artificial intelligence (AI) can support judicial decision-making. In particular algorithmic case outcome predictors have received much attention. Some hope that supporting judges with such algorithms can increase the efficiency, predictability and consistency of judicial decision-making. It has even been suggested that such algorithms can be used to automate decision-making in routine cases so that judges have more time for complex cases. Others argue that the claimed benefits of such algorithms are based on misunderstandings concerning their nature and that for supporting or automating judicial decision-making a very different kind of AI system is needed, namely, knowledge-based algorithms that can apply legal knowledge to justify legal decisions. A more general concern with AI support for judges, whether data-driven or knowledgebased, is that this would force mechanical application of the law without room for individual justice and for creative interpretation of the law. The aim of this masterclass is to discuss these issues from a legal-theoretical and philosophical perspective.

Doktorand*innen aller Una Europa Partnerhochschulen, die ein Interesse am Thema des Workshops haben, sind eingeladen, ihre Bewerbungen bis spätestens 21. August 2022 (Deadline verlängert) an una.europa@uj.edu.pl zu senden. Die Auswahl der Teilnehmenden erfolgt nach der Reihenfolge der eingesendeten Bewerbungen. Die JU Kraków erstattet die Reisegebühren, sowie Unterkunftskosten und Verpflegung während des Workshops.

Weitere Informationen finden sich auf der Webseite der JU Kraków.